Friday, January 3, 2020

Race And A Broader Spectrum - 982 Words

The subject of race in the world is a topic that is extremely sensitive to discuss and analysis. Ever since man evolved enough to think, comprehend, speak, and portray emotions; that was when the division of race began. The brain was able to make out the differences in people and whoever looked the same began to group up. Communities started too form all over the globe and individuals become groups of people. Over time, the human species advanced with great pace eventually, leading up to the present day and what we know about life today. The human mind is a wonderful thing to understand how it works and observe its changes throughout the evolution of man. To see race in a broader spectrum, I will use the lens of psychological to see how race works at Elizabethtown College. With an understand of how race works in the world and seeing all the different kinds of groups who’s beliefs are so different than others brings great relief to see race. It proves throughout history that th e subject of race has been a huge impact on the world and was the leading cause of many of history’s biggest events. By using events in the past, it can help us for a better future. In my final project, I’ll be mainly discussing the issue of white supremacy and how it links to race at Elizabethtown College. In addition to that, I’ll be using demographics of the county of Lancaster. By using demographics, it will help me in further research to find my answer to my question. Finally, I will be using theShow MoreRelatedEssay About Race In America1667 Words   |  7 PagesThe Talk About Race in America Race, or the major factor used to divide and group humans impacts the lives of many worldwide, especially since the connotation of race makes the term extremely controversial. Moreover, many people argue that race relations are improving, whereas critics claim that they will never change for the better. 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