Thursday, December 26, 2019

Literary Analysis of Barn Burning - 771 Words

Literary Analysis of Barn Burning Child abuse has been a common occurrence throughout the times of this world. In the story Barn Burning that was written by the author William Faulkner, a story is told of a boy named Colonel Sartoris Snopes who lives with his family. His father is a man who has seen the brutality of war and has a very cold heart. His name is Abner Snopes. His heart is so cold that it is almost as if he is not even human. William Faulkner in the story uses words comparing Abner Snopes to a house fly, or stinging wasp and also says that he lifts his hand like a curled claw. This suggests that the Author was trying to give the readers an image of Abner Snopes being someone who lacked human qualities. Mainly he lacked†¦show more content†¦This story is not a typical one when it comes to the topic of child abuse. Most people would think that they would hear about starvation, or beatings, or sexual molestation. But child abuse is harming a child whether it be ment ally or physically and forcing a child to live with something like this can be severely mentally damaging. (Hopper) Works Cited Faulkner, William. Rajuabu. 22 May 2007. 27 February 2012 . Hopper, Jim. Jimhopper. 12 January 2012. 27 February 2012Show MoreRelatedLiterary Analysis of â€Å"Barn Burning†2800 Words   |  12 PagesA Literary Analysis of â€Å"Barn Burning† In the beginning, â€Å"Barn Burning† appears to be a story about an oppressive father and his family, who seems to be caught up in his oppression. As you read further in to the story you find that the story is focused on a young son of a poor sharecropper, who has to struggle with his father’s arsonist tendencies which are destroying his families’ reputation and life style, while coming to terms with his own morality. The young son, whose name is Colonel SartorisRead More Literary Analysis of Barn Burning Essay example936 Words   |  4 PagesA Literary Analysis of Barn Burning At first glance, the story â€Å"Barn burning† seems just to be about a tyrannical father and a son who is in the grips of that tyranny. I think Faulkner explores at least one important philosophical question in this story were he asks at what point should a person make a choice between what his parent(s) and / or family believes and his own values? The main character and protagonist in this story is a boy named Colonel Sartoris. In this story, Sarty is facedRead MoreLiterary Analysis Of Barn Burning By William Faulkner1105 Words   |  5 PagesWhen reading the short story â€Å"Barn Burning† by William Faulkner, understanding literary elements such as patterns, word choice as well as reader/writer relationships are essential in appreciating Faulkner’s literary piece. 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