Friday, August 23, 2019

Corrections Community-Based Treatment Program - Essay

Corrections Community-Based Treatment Program - - Essay Example Psychotherapy is an interaction based form of treatment where a trained counseling professional or psychologist establishes a relationship with the client with the intents of changing the clients way of thinking. There are various forms of psychotherapy each targeting a given system. Usually, Psychotherapy has been integrated into rehabilitation programs as it targets to change the behavior of an individual (Brazà £o, Motta & Rijo, 2013). The reason I chose the psychotherapy as a correction treatment program is because of its application. One of the commonly accepted facts in dealing with juvenile crimes is most juvenile offenders commit the crime out of influence or maladaptive thinking that translates into a maladaptive behavior. Secondly, when a juvenile commits a crime and is convicted of the crimes, there is an increased possibility that they will be affected emotionally and psychologically. Psychotherapy, therefore, comes in as one of the best correction measures as it addresses all these complications associated with juvenile crimes. There are various psychological conditions that are associated with vulnerability to commit crimes. An example of such conditions is the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and compulsive disorders that are common with children (Brazà £o, Motta & Rijo, 2013). Among juvenile offenders with such conditions, psychotherapy has proven to be a reliable rehabilitative measure. Ther efore, I selected this option out of interest to learn more about it and because of its diverse application. Psychotherapy originated from an earlier form of treatment that was practiced earlier called hypnotic therapy that concentrated on the treatment of psychic. This definition was later changed as most authors felt the term was being taken in tow with hypnotism. Since then, psychotherapy has been used to mean the use of psychological or psychophysiological methods (Brazà £o, Motta & Rijo,

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