Friday, August 9, 2019

Assignment 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Assignment 1 - Essay Example Experts predict that technology in the next 25 years will revolutionize the world to something never seen before. They predict that quantum technology will be possible such that the computers will be able to harness the power of the atom to help in performing computational tasks. The current computers are electronic and therefore they only store information in 1’s or 0’s but with this technology it will be possible to store both and this will increase processing capability (The Observer). Another prediction that is made is that our smart phones that we use today will have the power of a super computer at that time surpassing the capabilities of the servers that we have today. The phones will also have increased memory and the capability to connect to a high powered network that it will be easy for anyone to access massive kinds of information. It will also be possible to store all your information in a back-up cloud so that in case it is lost you only need to identify yourself and you have all your information (Gates). Another prediction is that I will be possible to speak to your computer such that there will be no need for a key board or a mouse, you will talk to the computer and tell it to perform a given operation with ease. It will be possible to use natural language on computers as they will be able to learn and recognize their errors and mistakes. For example the Watson system developed by IBM that interacts with humans is one such example of what to expect in the future (Marsan). It is also predicted that everything will be digitized and accessible over the internet from personal information to corporate information, to history and education. All these will be scanned and stored on the internet and they will be searchable. The content will also be personalized so that an individual will receive the article, books, music or even movies that march their interest. This storage on the internet will mark the death of certain kinds

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