Sunday, November 3, 2019


CASE - 2 RECRUITMENT, SELECTION, AND RETENTION - Essay Example This paper is going to examine in depth merits or demerits of promoting individuals from within over hiring from outside the firm The manufacturing manager should have excellent motivational skills employees of Nifty plastic plant are motivated by their plant manager because they see themselves in the manager, the manager has climbed up through the ranks and knows all their hardships and of course their dreams. The incoming manager should therefore be highly motivational in words and in action he should be able to encourage the employees and push them towards achievement of the company’s goals. This is also very important since he will be part of the management team. Excellent technical skill; Employees will only respect and obey a manager if they know he can do what they can, the outgoing manager had risen through the ranks he knew all the plant processes and for that he got the respect of his employees and even other players in the industry. It’s therefore important that the incoming manager have technical skill on running of the manufacturing department Excellent man management skill; the manufacturing manager should be able to relate to the employees under his department, he should be able to understand their work the difficulties they face and even sometimes their social environment. This can only be possible if the manager has excellent people skills Ability to asses a vital quality of a manufacturing manager, a manufacturing manager should be able to asses both the production and the financial performance of the company. This is further useful when the manger is to be part of the management team Expertise and vast knowledge in the plastic industry; the manager should have expertise in the industry the company operates in .He should be able to understand trends and all processes involved particularly the plastic injection processes The first step in creating an applicant pool is defining the position,

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