Saturday, October 5, 2019

Christians and War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Christians and War - Essay Example Theorists' points of view concerning War are also highly influential in this research and Thomas Aquinas is one of the theorists whose ideas about War can be found within the compiled pages. The conclusion demonstrates that War is not ever pretty nor is it wanted by anyone but there are times where moral obligation and intervention to protect others rights are necessary and of which can lead to a period of War in the world. The finality is the fact that War is an actual part of life and has been occurring since the biblical times and therefore the only thing that society can morally do is come to accept that it is an occurrence that will always be looming in the background of everyday existence. War, from a Christian perspective has to meet many moral principles in order for it to be justified. However, Vance's1 literary work (2005) defines the fact that for centuries Christians have been opposed to war under any form or even when there has been proof that there are legitimate reasons for it. Of course this is only one theologians point of view, others such as Father Webster of the Orthodox faith and Professor Darrell Cole have stated in the past and currently that there is a moral justification found in some acts of war and they both agree that the war in Iraq is one prime example for a Christian justification for the entity of war to be accepted by Christians everywhere2. For instance, when Christians look back in time, back to the biblical period it can be seen that war was a part of life even when Jesus walked among the people. There were armies of soldiers in the name of Jesus Christ and the fighting that took place in this period was considered to be morally justified and pertinent to the Christian cause. Although there no longer exists armies of Christian warriors fighting to protect the knowledge of Jesus against the Roman Empire there are soldiers who fight in wars for countries who are bonafide Christians and fight for what they perceive to be morally right and with justified cause 3. Father Webster states that for some theologians to claim that war is not justified under any means and that Christians should always turn away from it is morally wrong due to the fact that soldiers can display Christian virtue and stating otherwise is derivative of a pacifist's view point4. This brings in the concept among many Christians titled the, "Just War Th eory," which as was mentioned is the main theorization put to use by those of a Christian following to try and determine the cause and justification for any war in present times and the past as well. The utilization of the Just War theory, of which this researcher agrees about as well, has been used to evaluate military actions for decades. The initial historical thinkers who first recognized this theory were wide and varied, some being Cicero, St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, Grotius, and Daniel Webster . As was stated it is a Christian based theorization which Christians and even non-Christians alike have utilized to determine

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