Monday, September 9, 2019

Discussion borad Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Discussion borad - Essay Example It is also done to know if a certain independent variable creates negative or positive impact to the dependent variable. For example, does empowering women increase prejudice against men? The dependent variable, in this case, is the prejudice while empowering women is the independent variable. To get to a clear conclusion about the said question, the level of prejudice must be measured and be known through one of the components, pretesting and post-testing. The process will help to determine whether empowering women increases prejudice in men. To dispute or agree with the question that empowering women has increased prejudice in men, the subject has to be divided into two different parts mainly, experimental section where the stimulus is administered (empower the women) and the section that does not receive the stimulus. Both sections may not have increased prejudice, but if only a few people who do not see the essence of empowering the women agree with the said question, then it means that empowering women do not increase prejudice against men. It is not right to argue that empowering or giving power to women will hurt power of men (Mosedale p

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