Saturday, July 27, 2019

Statistics Canada, Lafour force surve of, Victoria, Bristish Essay

Statistics Canada, Lafour force surve of, Victoria, Bristish coloumbia, Canada - Essay Example Forestry, fishing, mining, quarying, oil and gas industry. In 2003 this industry was on the peak of the employment rates in B.C., before trade dispute between the Unites States and Canada took place. This trade dispute resulted in a drop in the price of lumber to the extremely low point and penalties imposing on shipment of Canadian lumber (Exports 2002). Some of the mills were closed and obviously had its impact on the employment in the B.C. Construction has shown employment growth tendency by 2005 and has achieved its lowest point in 2012 during the whole period from 2003-2013. Obviously, the growth in 2005 in this sector relates to doubling of housing starts in British Columbia, strength in building permits and investment in non-residential building (Labour Force Statistics 2004). Accommodation and food services sector has been a strong sector in the region during 2004-2005, however in 2005 there was observed continuous decline of the employment share in this sector. However, by 2006 this sector had one of the largest shares of the workforce even during its falling in 2006. Statistics Canada (2013). Table 282-0061 – Labour force survey estimates (LFS), employment by economic region and North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), annual (persons). Available at

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