Tuesday, May 21, 2019

McDonald’s global marketing strategy (GMS) Essay

1. Identify the key elements in McDonalds global merchandising strategy (GMS). In particular, how does McDonalds approach the issue of standardization? Does McDonalds think global and act local? Does it excessively think local and act global? McDonalds global marketing strategy is based on combination of global and local marketing mix elements. For the first elements in McDonalds global marketing strategy (GMS) is a vital elements in McDonalds business model restaurants system that can be set up virtually anywhere in the world and the restaurants themselves offer the consumers a chance to get for themselves a fast food legend. McDonalds business model, depicted by the three-legged stool of possessor/operators, suppliers, and company employees, is their foundation, and balancing the interests of all three groups. Second elements are McDonalds offers core menu items care hamburgers, French fries and soft drinks in most countries.The popularity of American-style hamburgers, fries, a nd soft drinks is growing around the world, supporting Levitts view of the global village. For the price, the average price of Big Mac in the United States is $3.54. Globalization involves develop marketing strategies as though the world is a single entity, marketing standardized returns in the very(prenominal) way everywhere. Globalized organizations employ standardized products, promotional campaigns, prices and distribution channels for all markets.Brand name, product characteristics, encase and labeling are the easiest of the marketing mix variables to standardize. One of the aims of McDonalds is to create a standardized set of items that judgment the same whether in India, China or South Africa. McDonalds seeks to serve its customers with the same quality product and experience, whether that restaurant is located in Moscow, Kiev or Russia. This requires standardized processes and similar quality ingredients. The table below is the examples of effective global marketing of McDonalds Marketing Mix Element

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