Descriptive essay layout
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2
Money - Essay Example Since money trade rates vacillate on a day by day (minute-to-minute) premise, spotless and simple one type to it's logical counterpart correlations of U.S. dollars to Euros or Yen may not be conceivable, particularly with frameworks that manage information on an intraday premise. Following the benefit of items in fluctuating markets will miss the mark concerning desires except if information stores and cash tables that contain point by point trade rates and valuation dates are appropriately coordinated into the general stockroom or operational information store. Numerous monetary standards will be followed against different monetary standards - the most straightforward being home cash versus the single money of the exchange/bargain/exchange - utilizing equal fields for every category in the proper distribution center tables. Along these lines, if an exchange occurred in Japan (in Yen), various fields that speak to the occasion would have both U.S. dollars and Yen sections that impart state-of-the-art or rehashed trade rates. The business firm should likewise know that the area of the exchange doesn't in every case unequivocally characterize the cash of the exchange. Numerous monetary occasions, for example, cash trades and spots will fall into this class, making it increasingly difficult to effectively depict the money related image of the business. Surprising changes in the estimations of outside monetary forms can influence the productivity of working together globally by out of the blue changing the home money estimation of future remote cash designated money inflows and outpourings. This suggests associations should consider actualizing remote trade â€Å"hedging†procedures to relieve the unfriendly results of unforeseen and benefit decreasing swapping scale changes. Get the job done it to state that associations may wish to look for the help of accessible aptitude in the banking or business networks to plan and execute a remote
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Sexual and Spiritual Freedom :: essays research papers
Sexual and Spiritual Freedom The way to humanities opportunity lies in its strict and sexual standards. Religion, as a social control component, has tried to confine keeps an eye on sexual opportunity. The shame related with sexual wantonness saturates each degree of our general public. I accept that in time individuals will request opportunity in the sexual and profound parts of their lives. With the end goal for this to happen a worldview must be set up that stresses wholism. Without this wholistic figured clash can in any case exist and narrow minded religion is expected to band all the people into a fragmented and befuddled mass. Inside our present Newtonian worldview, material authenticity, genuine wholistic thought is incomprehensible. The logical guidelines of solid objectivity, the thought that items are autonomous from the brain and determinism forestall it. Solid objectivity was set up when Descartes partitioned the world in to the goal and emotional circles. This was done for the most part as a trade off with the then almighty church, which would lead in issues of the emotional psyche while science appreciated opportunity in the realm of “reality';. Determinism is most effortless under remained through similarity. Think about the universe as a lot of billiard balls in a three dimensional pool table called space. If one somehow managed to realize all the powers following up on these balls whenever it is conceivable to extrapolate all future or past positions. This makes determinism and determinism crushes unrestrained choice. The best case of this wonder in the public arena would be the factional political framework and international strategy. Sociologists and people in general by and large, consider themselves to be each other as one of these pool balls being kicked around. In this condition neither self-esteem nor certainty is developed. These attributes are fundamental in a general public that undeniably requests that its populace work solo and off of the place of work. In 1665 Isaac Newton drafted the speculations which set us on the course that prompted the realism commanding our way of life. The way of thinking of realism coordinates the worldview of old style physical science, material authenticity. Since this transformation our vision has been an unthinking one. This vision was shaped as an immediate aftereffect of the progressions in philosophical and political information that became visible in the mid seventeenth century. The force and effortlessness of Newton’s three laws of movement and the accomplishment of logical observational technique caused about each powerful scholar of the seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth hundreds of years to utilize them as a model.
Friday, August 21, 2020
16 Creative Writing Exercises Guaranteed to Jumpstart Inspiration
16 Creative Writing Exercises Guaranteed to Jumpstart Inspiration The Muse, inspiration, creative energyâ€"its called several things but rarely is it called easy, and any writer who has chased it without success knows exactly what I mean.When the dreaded writers block happens, writing exercises are a great way to induce creativity and can provide the jumpstart needed to chase the Muse down at will. Here are a few creative writing exercises for you to try that will hopefully do just that. Happy writing!Developing your descriptive writing skills is necessary for writing in almost every genre, and a good way to do it is to imagine scenes from different perspectives. For example, a bank robbery is taking place and you are on the floor. Describe what you see from that vantage point. Then go back and describe that exact same scene from the robbers point of view.Much of creative energy is about willing an idea into being, whether its an idea for a story or turning a music hook into a song. Think of a creative goal you want to achieveâ€"be it a book, a poe m, a collection of photographs or a songâ€"and give it a name. Now write a press release about it. Be sure to include details in your press release about your creative process and how long it took you to finish the project. And for those of you who havent written press releases, CoSchedule blog has a great page with writing tips and example templates to use.The word count of a project changes how you write it and the writing techniques you use. Its good to practice writing at different word count requirements so you can begin to see which words you use that are extraneous, and how certain words stand out as encapsulating the project as a whole. Heres a great way to practice it: Describe a vivid memory from your childhood using 150 words. Then rewrite the same memory with 20 words. Now rewrite it again with three words and finally, one.A lot of the challenge to writing is just getting started, which is why using writing prompts and sentence starters is a great way to get past that hu rdle. This post has 301 writing prompts and story ideas that are guaranteed to kick your writing into high gear.Seeing things from alternate points of view is something we all have difficulty withâ€"its human nature to be focused in on your own experience rather than anothers. To practice imagining a scene from alternate points of view, pick a setting and three characters who will be in that setting. Determine their names, their occupations, their appearance and what motivates them most. Now describe the setting from each characters perspective. When you read back through your drafts, be sure to note the subtle and not-so-subtle ways you shifted perspectives in the process. Which do you think were more convincing?Pacing and suspense are two facets of writing that can make or break a story. The authors who get these right end up on New York Times bestseller lists because readers love a book that they cant put down. To practice your own skills at pacing and suspense, write a scene fro m first-person point of view where you wake up in a room you dont recognize and try to find a way out. In the meantime, you pass by a mirror and something catches you by surprise; what is it? Now end the story there.The power of observation can turn a mediocre writer into a great one. To practice your own observation skills, study a stranger for several minutes and then write their biography. Be sure to include key details that happened from birth to the present moment.Sensory details create depth to any story or character and should be used often in good writing. To practice exploring sensory details, determine five separate locations that you know well. If you can actually be in these five locations while doing this creative writing exercise, thats even better. For each location, write out the five senses and then lists underneath each one that describe the setting. For example, a bar might have the following:see (glasses, door, flashing sign)hear (laughter, glasses hitting agains t each other, Chris Stapleton singing)taste (cold beer, salty peanuts, greasy fries)touch (crowd pressed together, the feel of glass against my lips)smell (smoke from the kitchen, spilled alcohol, old beer)Stream of consciousness writing can be a powerful way to find the right words when the right ones are elusive. Along with that, its an effective way to tap into the subconscious and explore words or phrasing that might be hidden there and just needing a nudge to the surface. One way to practice this type of writing is to write an abstract poem without punctuation or capitalization. Dont worry about rhyme or reason or anything that restricts the flow of thoughts as you write whatever comes to mind on the page. The important thing to keep in mind when completing a creative exercise like this is to not judge yourself harshly or think of it as anything anyone other than you will read. This kind of judgment-free zone in writing tends to make great words happen.Metaphors are one of the most powerful literary devices, especially in genres like poetry. Write a list of 15 normal events in your day (grocery shopping, dog walking, taking a shower) then create a metaphor for each that is as melodramatic or outlandish as possible. For example, Walking the dog was like a drag race between a go-cart and a Lamborghini.Building convincing characters often involves taking a look at the whole personâ€"their physical description, psychological outlook, motivation and even their addictions. This is especially difficult when it is a character very much unlike you. Complete a character sketch for yourself, including your physical description along with a description of your education level, socioeconomic status, addictions, motivations, hopes, fears and personality type. Now do the same thing for a character that would be the exact opposite of you in a story. Be sure to check out our post on creating character sketches for a free template.Heres another exercise to practice buildin g believable characters: Write down five important life questions that are meaningful to you. For example, you might write, Is there a God? or What is our purpose in life? Now answer those questions to the best of your ability, including the reason you believe what you believe. Finally, choose your favorite character from literature (it can be a good guy or bad guy or somewhere in between) and answer those same questions again from the point of view of that character.Write a paragraph that describes three of your favorite colors as if you were describing them to someone who has been colorblind their entire life. Then, below that, write a paragraph describing your favorite song to someone who is deaf by using sensory details that do not involve hearing.Write a conversation between two strangers conducting simple business that takes far longer than it should take. For example, it could be a bill collector and a debtor, or a bus driver and a passenger. Try to stretch the conversation o ut as far as you can without venturing into the surreal.Go to a location where you hear a lot of conversations happening around you at once. Listen carefully and pick out pieces of dialogue from three or four conversations and write those down. Finally, combine all the dialogue together in one conversation between two people in a way that makes logical sense.Find a short story that you have never read before and read the first half of it. Then, write the second half as you see it happening before finally reading the end of the original story to see how your re-write differed.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Fice Of National Drug Control Policy - 988 Words
According to the Office of National Drug Control Policy published on November 30, 2011, more than 700,000 people are released from state and federal prisons each year (1). The Bureau of Justice Statistics states that in 1980 the amount of inmates that were incarcerated was around 300,000. That number has increased to over 1,600,000 inmates admitted into the state prisons which is shown to date by the Bureau of Justice Statistics in 2007(4). Showing the increase in these numbers only means that there will be even more people released into our communities once their prison sentence is up. Once inmates are released from prison, more than two-thirds are rearrested within three years of their release and half are re-incarcerated (1). There are many reasons as to why these prisoners may be rearrested after their release, some of which include not having a place to go once they are released, not having a job and not having the resources to be able to obtain help for any of these issues . There have been many policies and acts that have been implemented in order to try and break the cycle of arrest, incarceration, release and re-arrest. One of the biggest acts that has been implemented is the Second Chance Act. The Second Chance Act was proposed to the House of Representatives in 2005, but was not approved until after some amendments were made to it. It was then signed by President George W. Bush on April 9, 2008 (4). The Second Chance Act gives inmates a chance to succeedShow MoreRelatedFice Of National Drug Control Policy947 Words  | 4 PagesThe Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) was created by the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988 to aid in the declination of illicit drugs within the United States. The ONDCP advises the president on drug-control issues, coordinates drug-control activities and related funding across the Federal government, and produces the National Drug Control Strategy. Within the National Drug Control Strategy, several goals of the ONDCP are projected. Specifically, this strategy illuminates seven core goalsRead MoreMedicare Policy Analysis447966 Words  | 1792 PagesCâ€â€Public Health Workforce Subtitle Dâ€â€Adapting Workforce to Evolving Health System Needs TITLE IIIâ€â€PREVENTION AND WELLNESS TITLE IVâ€â€QUALITY AND SURVEILLANCE TITLE Vâ€â€OTHER PROVISIONS Subtitle Aâ€â€Drug Discount for Rural and Other Hospitals; 340B Program Integrity Subtitle Bâ€â€Programs Subtitle Câ€â€Food and Drug Administration Subtitle Dâ€â€Community Living Assistance Services and Supports Subtitle Eâ€â€Miscellaneous DIVISION Dâ€â€INDIAN HEALTH CARE IMPROVEMENT TITLE Iâ€â€AMENDMENTS TO INDIAN LAWS TITLE IIâ€â€IMPROVEMENTRead MoreErp Sap Research Paper46896 Words  | 188 Pages 202 203 Implications for Management 8 ·2 Real ·World Case: Human Resource Implementation at the Smithsonian I nstitute 205 211 CHAPTER 9 Case Organizational Change and Business Process Reengineering Opening Case: 9 ·1 FoxMeyer Drugs 214 212 Reason for Change 213 Organizational Commitment Change Management 215 Organization Project Management Maturity Model (OPM3) 215 B usiness Process Change Business Process Re-engineering BPR Methodology 218 220 CurrentRead More65 Successful Harvard Business School Application Essays 2nd Edition 147256 Words  | 190 Pagesand as a junior and senior, I translated that passion for human connection into a stint as Berrys top newspaper opinion columnist and a widely read campus poet. I was the lead in a one...act play and led my college speech team to its highest ever national finish. I learned business, finance, and organi... zationalleadership by founding a community soup kitchen andlead... ing the campus investment group to unprecedented stock market returns; and in everything, I sought not simply to become better
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Essay about Comparison of Ancient China and Ancient Egypt
There were four main ancient River Valley civilizations: the Fertile Crescent of Mesopotamia, the Nile River of Egypt, the Indus River of India, and the Yellow River of China. These civilizations showed specific similarities and contrasting differences. Many of these differences and similarities showed up in the three categories of the technological advances, the types of government, and the geography of the civilization. Two civilizations that are very interesting to delve deeper into and study the contrasting societies are China and Egypt. Since China and Egypt were both isolated from the outside, they developed with a strong focus on technology and learning with strong governments to hold the nations together. One similarity†¦show more content†¦It seems that the Egyptian culture focused more on intellectual contributions, while China focused more on farming and weapon contributions. China and Egypt required strong leadership to keep their lands and people in order. Without both of these strong, successful governments, both the nations could not have survived or thrived and would have quickly fell into ruins. However, China and Egypt both had contrasting governments. China’s government was feudalistic. Since China was a very vast nation, nobles watched over pieces of the land, and the emperor watched over the nobles. Egypt had a Pharaoh who watched over Upper and Lower Egypt. This is one difference: China had separate rulers reporting to one ruler, while Egypt had one ruler over everyone. The Chinese created an easy, efficient way of keeping track of everything happening in the kingdom. Egypt, however, was not nearly as huge as China, so a Pharaoh helped to unify Upper and Lower Egypt. The pharaoh is considered to be a god in human form. On the other hand, in China, the emperor is simply a normal person with a special right called the Mandate of Heaven, which is sent from heaven. This is the Chinese explanation for wars and reb ellion against the emperor. If a ruler is wicked or foolish, he loses the Mandate to Heaven and, therefore, the right to rule. Although very different, both governments base their entire rule on divine forces; the emperor is chosen by heaven and the pharaoh is aShow MoreRelatedThe Link Between Earth And Heaven1278 Words  | 6 PagesKingshipâ€â€Linking Heaven and Earth: Try to imagine these three distinct situations: The year is 1124 B.C.E and in China, the Zhou dynasty has recently prevailed over the largely successful Shang Empire. Just years earlier in approximately 3100 B.C.E, near the smooth flowing Nile, a conqueror by the name of Menes (Narmer) was in the process of establishing a centralized state which was to be ruled by the supreme pharaoh. Back in â€Å"the land between the two rivers†, Babylonian ruler King Hammurabi wasRead MoreComparing The River Valley Civilizations1509 Words  | 7 Pagesthe research that will be presented will provide criteria involving similarities and differences in three attributes of life in the four primary river valley civilizations. The river valley civilizations are composed of Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Indus Valley, and China. While each of these civilizations is unique in their habits and traditions, they share many similar qualities. For this work to be as comprehensive as possible, the primary f ocus will be on comparing and analyzing the cultures and ambianceRead MoreDifferences Between Egyptian And Egyptian Civilization Essay861 Words  | 4 Pagesinfluenced many ancient civilizations. Small agrarian communities became the first medical texts describing the treatment of over 200 different diseases around 1500 BCE. Stability was a hallmark of Egyptian culture. Given the duration of Egyptian civilizations, there were surprisingly few basic changes in styles and beliefs. Egyptian emphasis on stability was reflected in their view of a changeless afterlife, suggesting a conscious attempt to argue that persistence was virtue. Egypt emphasized strongRead MoreDescribe The Relationship Between Ancient Civilizations1023 Words  | 5 PagesAncient Civilizations In this essay I will be explaining the relationship between four ancient civilizations. These civilizations include; Mesopotamia, India, China and Egypt. Not only will I be explaining the relationship between these four civilizations, I will also be explaining how the geography of these civilizations relate to religion, social classes,and writing. Paragraph 1 - Describe land and water forms The geography of these four civilizations are very important aspect of their cultureRead MoreEssay on Compare and Contrast Egypt and Mesopotamia901 Words  | 4 PagesEgypt developed around the Nile River, while Mesopotamia developed between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Egypt and Mesopotamia grew into complex civilizations. Politically, both Egypt and Mesopotamia had a government with one main ruler, but Egypt had a centralized government with a pharaoh, while Mesopotamia had a decentralized government with a king. Socially, both civilizations were patriarchal, but Egypt was more lenient towards women while Mesopotamia was stricter. The political and socialRead MoreComparison Of Chinese Empress Wu Zetian And Cleopatra1772 Words  | 8 PagesResearch Paper October 14 2017 Compare and contrast of Ancient Female Rulers (china and egypl) In this paper I’m going to compare and contrast two ancient female rulers. My comparative analysis will examine both powerful rulers Chinese Empress Wu Zetian and Egyptian Pharaoh Cleopatra. They both ruled in many different ways, but what I found both interesting in the comparison, is that they both were unable to attain full ultimate power. Being unable to attainRead MoreThe Four Ancient Civilizations2076 Words  | 9 PagesAncient civilizations The following 4 ancient civilizations all have very different types of development whether it be because the difference in geographical, economic or social location does not change the fact that these four civilizations have come (and some have not come) to present day extremely different from one another because of their different developmental patterns. Extremely early Egyptians began settling along the Nile during the Neolithic period. The Nile provided necessary resourcesRead MoreGeography and Early Civilizations Essay917 Words  | 4 Pagestaking place in the region. Travelers did eventually arrive in China and brought with them new technologies and goods from outside the region. 1, 3 The Nile River was the life force of ancient Egypt. People from all over the region immigrated to the area for its irrigation waters and rich silt deposits. The geography of the region played a huge role in the way the inhabitants and civilization in general was formed. The main core of Egypt covered 386, 560 square miles, of which only 11, 720 were cultivableRead MoreWomen and Their Roles in History2647 Words  | 11 Pagestime. These women of ancient civilizations have led us to the roles of women in our society today. They have boosted the standing of women in society and have tried to be individuals. In some time periods, women were controlled completely by men and in others they were moderately controlled by men. This paper will focus on the roles of women in certain areas. The civilizations that I analyzed closely were the Roman Empire, Han China, Classical Greece, Byzantium, Egypt, and Europe during theRead MoreThe Communication Of Information And The Printing Press1 670 Words  | 7 Pagesto being able to print it in less than a minute, the printing press has truly changed the world. We thank China for the first production of the printing press in the 6th century AD. The printing press has allowed for more ideas to be shared, more widespread knowledge, and entertainment to be expressed. This is definitely one of the greatest inventions of all time. In the ancient past, methods of communicating information were limited. â€Å"Before the invention of writing†¦information could
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Benefits of College Essay Prompt 1 Samples Spelman
The Benefits of College Essay Prompt 1 Samples Spelman College Essay Prompt 1 Samples Spelman Explained Then substantial school happened. For some students, this will be a really straightforward question. This prompt gives you the chance to speak about your passions and showcase your extracurricular pursuits. Personal Achievements Colleges are interested in students who have achieved in some region of their lives. Here's the last installment on the best way To Answer Why This College. Leadership may be the dynamic between just two people, and does not have to involve a formal place of leadership. The student understood why he wished to visit this college. He is a very talented writer. College Essay Prompt 1 Samples Spelman Features Basically, we have to see you in action. Explore Our UC Personal Statement Prompt Example don't hesitate to have a look at our private statement samples supplied by our expert writers on various topic areas. Because personal statements are short, you just won't have enough time to spell out everything you've loved about a specific subject in enough detail to make it count. The second section should choose the remainder of the space. After that, think of how you generated a solution. At times, it's merely a line or two. This UC essay example does an awesome job of producing a distinctive spin on this prompt! Before you are able to fix an issue, you've got to understand that the problem exists. Finding the Best College Essay Prompt 1 Samples Spelman By the conclusion of high school, lots of the experiences which you are most proud of don't have a tendency to be the sort of things that wind up on your resume. There isn't a prompt to direct you, which means you must ask yourself the questions that will get at the center of the story you would like to tell. You're attempting to show colleges your very best self, therefore it might appear counterintuitive to willingly acknowledge a time you struggled. Before you can create your community a better place, you've got to locate the things that could be ameliorated. Because this essay will necessarily have to devote some time on other individuals, you have to obtain a great proportion of them-time and me-time. The point is to share the types of things which don't wind up on your transcript. Because you're once more likely to be limited to 350 words, you won't be in a position to fit all the ways you exhibit your unique bit of awesomeness within this essay. For this prompt, think of the idea of making. College Essay Prompt 1 Samples Spelman Explained For instance, if your favorite topic is the subject of literature, you could speak about your experiences with unique genres or with foreign writers. Generally, 1 essay can become your private statement for different applications. You don't understand what the essay is about depending on the title, and you may appreciate the title only after reading the essay. Also, in case you have an essay which you are pleased with and would love to share with others, don't hesitate to get in touch with us w ith it and well publish it with your attribution. The second portion of this essay would like you to examine the present instead. For this essay, don't be afraid to acquire silly or serious but make certain you go all of the way whichever side you pick! This section includes two examples of excellent college essays. Learn more on the subject of essay length. Ensure that your essay explains everything the reader must know to comprehend what you were facing. Additionally, supplemental essays will be added as they're released. Really, the application essays are a lot closer to a brief story. These seven sample essays respond to a wide variety of thought-provoking questions.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
How to Make a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich free essay sample
Turn your body to face the sink. Step 3. Identify your Left, and Right Leg. Your left leg is on the same side as your heart, and your right is on the same side as your lungs. Step 4. Place your left leg in front of the right leg. Step 5. Repeat step 4 until you are in front of the sink Step 6. Stop all motion once in front of the sink. Step 7. Identify your Left, and you Right hand. If you hold your hands in front of you. Your left hand will make an â€Å"L†shape with the Thumb, and Index finger. Step 8. Take your Right hand, and place it on the hot water. Step 9. Turn on the Hot Water. Step 10. Take your Left hand, and place it on the cold water. Step 11. Turn on the cold water. Step 12. Adjust the water temperature with your Right, and Left Hands until the water is at a comfortable temperature for you to begin washing your hands. Step 13. Take your hand that is closest to the Soap Dispenser and put it on the Dispensing button. Step 14. Place your other hand under the soap dispenser, so the Soap falls onto your hand. Step 15. Press the soap button Once. Step 16. Lather your hands together (Rub your hands together) Step 17. Place both hands under the water, while lathering still. Step 18. Continue to wash hands until you feel your hands are clean from all imperfections. NO BOOGERS. Step 19. Turn of both the, Hot and Cold water. Step 20. Take the hand closest to the paper towels and grab the sheet of the paper towel. Step 21. Pull the paper towel down until it’s about One foot, to One and a half feet long. Step 22. Rip the Foot of paper towel off the roll. Step 23. Rub the paper towel with your hands until your hands are dry. Now walk to the closest trash can. Step 25. Place the paper towel over the trash can with your Right hand. Step 26. Release the paper towel. In case of accidental failure to make it into the trash can pick up the paper towel with your left hand and repeat steps, 25, and 26 until the sheet is properly located in the trash can. Step 27. Turn your body, so it faces the Table with the assorted Peanut Butter, and Jelly products, and walk so you are standing in front of the table, but are also facing the class. Step 28. There should be gloves to the Right, or Left of you. With whatever hand is closest to them, Pick up Two Gloves. Step 29. With your right hand, take one of the gloves, and place your fingers inside of the glove. Step 30. Slide the glove all the way down your hand covering it completely. Remember No Glove No Love. Step 31. Repeat steps 29, and 30 but with your opposite hand. Step 32. Place your right hand on top of the paper towels that is sitting on the table Step 33. With your left hand unroll about a foot of paper towel Step 34. Rip off the foot of paper towel. Step 35. Let go of the roll of paper towel with your right hand. Step 35. Place that Ripped off piece of paper towel on the table. Step 36. Grab the loaf of bread with your Left, and right hand. Do not pick it up. Step 37. Take your right hand and place it at TwistTie on the top of the loaf of bread. Step 38. Now Take both hands and twist off the TwistTie on the loaf of bread. Make sure you are taking off the Tie, not twisting it tighter. Step 39. With your right hand remove TWO slices of bread. If it is the â€Å"Heel†of the bread, please discard is in the trash, nobody likes that piece anyways. Step 40. Place both slices of bread on the table separated from each other, on top of the piece of paper towel you ripped off. Step 41. Now Take your right hand and place it in the center of the Peanut Butter. Step 42. Take your Left hand and place it on the top of the peanut butter. Step 43. Turn the top until it is off of the peanut butter. Remember, Righty Tighty, Lefty Loosey. Step 44. Place the cap of the peanut butter off to the side of the table. Step 45. While still holding onto the center of the peanut butter with your right hand. Take your left hand and grab the knife handle. Step 46. Take the knife, and place the rounded pointed part into the peanut butter. Step 47. Scoop a Fair amount of the peanut butter onto the knife. Step 48. Release the Jar of peanut butter. Step 49. Now With your left hand, pick up one slice of bread. Step 50. Spread the peanut butter EVENLY over ONE SIDE of the slice of bread. Make sure there is a decent amount of peanut butter on the slice of bread. Nobody likes hardly any peanut butter. You may go back and Follow steps 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, to add additional peanut butter to the slice, if needed. Step 51. Set the slice of bread with the peanut butter on top of the paper towel sheet you ripped of the roll from earlier. Step 52. Set the knife down on the ripped piece of paper towel. Step 53. Take you right hand and place it on the center of the Peanut butter. Step 54. Take the cap of the peanut butter with your left hand Step 55. Place the cap on top of the Jar of peanut butter Step 56. Turn the cap until it is tightly secured onto the jar of peanut butter Step 57. Set the jar of peanut butter onto the table. Step 58. Release it. Step 59. Now Place your right hand on the center of the Jar or Jelly Step 60. Place your left hand on the top of the Jar of jelly Step 61. Twist off the top of jelly until it is off of the jar of jelly. Remember, RIghty Tighty Lefty Loosey! Step 62. Remove the cap from the jar of jelly and place it off to the side of the table so it is out of the way. Step 63. Set the Jar of jelly down onto the table and release it. Step 64. Take your right hand and place it on the paper towels. Step 65. With your left hand pull the paper towels until about 6 Inches of paper towel is off the roll Step 66. Rip the 6 inches of paper towel off. Step 67. Release the paper towel roll. Step 68. While holding onto the Paper Towel Sheet with your left hand. Take your right hand and grab the knife. Step 69. Place your left hand in the center of the paper towel sheet. Step 70. Place the knife into the Center of the paper towel sheet. Step 71. Pinch the Peanut butter coated knife with your Index (Pointer) finger, and Thumb. Step 72. Slide the paper towel up, and down until ALL extra peanut butter is completely off the knife. Step 73. After all the extra peanut butter is gone. Walk to the trash can, with the peanut butter covered paper towel in your left hand. Step 74. Place your left hand over the trash can. Step 75. Release the Paper towel. If you miss the trash can, Pick up the sheet of paper towel, and repeat steps 74, and 75 until the sheet is properly located in the trash can. Step 76. Walk back to the table of assorted Peanut butter, and Jelly sandwich ingredients. Step 77. Grab the center of the Jar of jelly with your right hand. Step 78. Take the knife, and place the rounded pointed part into the peanut butter. Step 79. Scoop a Fair amount of Jelly onto the knife. It may fall off the knife, keep scooping until it stays on the knife. Step 80. Release the Jar of Jelly. Step 81. Now With your left hand, pick up the other Slice of bread with no peanut butter on it. Step 82. Spread the Jelly EVENLY over ONE SIDE of the slice of bread. Make sure there is a decent amount of Jelly on the slice of bread. You may go back and Follow steps, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82 to add additional Jelly to the slice, if needed. Step 83. Set the slice of bread with the Jelly on top of the paper towel sheet you ripped of the roll from earlier. Step 84. Set the knife down on the ripped piece of paper towel. Step 85. Grab the center of the Jelly jar with your right hand. Step 86. Grab the cap to the jelly jar with your left hand. Step 87. Place the cap on top of the jar of jelly. Step 88. Twist the cap until it is secured tightly on the jar of jelly. Step 89. Release the cap, but continue to hold onto the center of the jelly jar. Step 90. Place the jar of jelly off to the side of the table next to the peanut butter. Step 91. Release the Jar of jelly with your right hand. Step 92. Take your Right and Left hand and grab the slice of bread with the peanut butter on it. Step 93. With the slice of bread with Jelly on it, Still on the table. Move the slice of bread with peanut butter on it so it is over the Jelly Slice of bread. Step 94. Carefully flip the peanut butter side of the bread, so it is facing down at the Jelly side Up. Step 95. Lower the slice that has the peanut butter on it so it sets symmetrically over the slice of bread with Jelly on it. Step 96. Release the bread. Step 97. Pick Up the completed sandwich with Both hands. Step 98. Walk the sandwich to the person you have made it for, and Stand in front of them. Step 99. Assure them this is their sandwich to eat by saying, â€Å"I have made this sandwich with love and care for you, Please Enjoy. †Step 100. Hand them the completed sandwich. Step 101. Release the sandwich after you see they have a firm grip on the sandwich. Step 102. Step away from the person. Step 103. Walk back to the table. Step 104. Take your right hand and place your fingers on the base of the glove, or the opposite end of your fingers. Step 105. Pull the glove towards your fingertips until the glove is off your hand completely.
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